Announcing an Encounter Writing Contest!

Posted by Christopher Korczak on

Check out the details here, and get submitting! https://www.rpgrpgrpg.com/pages/encounter-writing-contest  

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Satanic Panic

Posted by Christopher Korczak on

One of the funnier videos about the Satanic Panic that I have seen. Worth a watch!

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Common Engineering Problems for Traveller Spaceships Part 2

Posted by Christopher Korczak on

Common Engineering Problems for Traveller Spaceships Part 2

by Brooks HesterSo once I came up with the engineering problems to inject some realisminto the campaign I wanted to come up with some solutions for thecharacters. Something to cause them to go off on a tangent. To makethem have to stop what they are doing to unravel the problems with theship. Just as in real life when the water heater at home goes out or yourcar needs new tires.This is by no means the only resolution list and I encourage the players tocome up with their own fixes. However, if they are stuck I give them somegeneral parts from...

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Common Engineering Problems for Traveller Spaceships Part 1

Posted by Christopher Korczak on

Common Engineering Problems for Traveller Spaceships Part 1

By Brooks Hester The other day I was sitting at the gaming table and I was trying to come up with some techniques to slow down my Travellers in their current campaign. Usually they reach jump speed and I have to say, “Okay, two days have passed and you emerge from jump space only two thousand miles from the orbit of the gas giant, Bovas - Delanium, with no difficulty.” I wanted them to have to do something between and during jumps from planet to planet. In the campaign I run I have stressed to my gamers that there are...

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MegaTraveller Character Generator

Posted by Christopher Korczak on

by Brooks Hester There is an enormous amount of online content regarding the RPG Traveller, including some great Reddit pageshttps://www.reddit.com/r/traveller/and Freelance Traveller, a fan operated site.While digging through much of it I came across a fine charactergenerator. I have seen these before and very often they leave outsome vital mechanism or omit a piece that I might consider central to acharacter’s creation.For example: once I used an online generator that left out a line in the“mustering out” table. Probably a computer glitch or programming errorbut still, the opportunity for a player to roll a ship or a weapon is kind of...

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