Mercenary Adventures: Adventure Sourcebook (Rifts), by Nowak, Patrick,Siembieda, Kevin
Occult Items of Power (D20), by
Hell Followed, by Taylor White,Kevin Siembieda
Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s Guide, by Kevin Siembieda, Wayne Breaux
Coalition Wars Sorcerers Revenge Rift (No.3), by Siembieda, Kevin
Bizantium and the Northern Islands - A Sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy RPG - Second Edition, by Glen Evans
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide, by Bulmahn, Jason
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods, by Reynolds, Sean K
World Book 24: Rifts China One The Yama Kings, by Wayne Siembieda Kevin; Wuj Erick; Smith
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures, by Bulmahn, Jason
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon?s Demand, by Shel, Mike
Rifts World Book 12: Psyscape (Rifts Worldbook Series), by Siembieda, Kevin
Nightbane Survival Guide Palladium RPG, by Irvin Jackson, Mark Oberle
Planar Handbook (Dungeon & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying), by Cordell, Bruce R., Kestrel, Gwendolyn F.M.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer?s Guide, by Staff, Paizo
World of Greyhawk (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Boxed Set), by Gygax, Gary
Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast AD&D 2e, by Ed Greenwood, et al
Gurps Space Atlas 2: A Guide to the Corporate Worlds, by Steve (edited by) L Creede; and Jackson
GURPS Basic Set, by Jackson, Steve
Dungeon Master Guide (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition, Core Rulebook/2160), by Cook, David Zeb
The Deryni Adventure Game, by Melissa Houle, Ann Dupuis, Aaron Rosenberg
The Second World Sourcebook (d20 3.0 Roleplaying), by Steven Palmer Peterson
GURPS Bestiary 3ed *OP, by O'Sullivan, Steffan
Guide to Hell (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition, Accessory/11431), by Chris Pramas
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