The Rifter Number Nineteen: Your Guide to the Megaverse, by Shawn Merrow
The Rifter Number Seventy-Seven, by Palladium Books
The Rifter [Your Guide to the Megaverse] #27, by kevin Siembieda
The Rifter: No. 49, by Kevin Siembieda
The Rifter: Vol. 50, by Kevin Siembieda
The Rifter: Your Guide to the Megaverse #22, by Shawn Merrow
The Rio Grande's La Veta Pass route: Gateway to the San Luis valley, by Rasmussen, Stephen
The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King Dark Sun Novel, by Lynn Abbey
The Rise of Tiamat (D&D Adventure), by Wizards RPG Team
The Rod of Seven Parts (AD&D Fantasy Roleplaying), by Williams, Skip
The Rogues Gallery: A Compendium of Non-Player Characters for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, by Blume, David
The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book, by MacKinnon, Mark C.
The Savage Coast (Dungeons & Dragons Module X9), by Merle Rasmussen, Jackie Rasmussen, Anne C. Gray
The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane (Savage Worlds, S2P10402), by John Goff,Rucht Lilavivat
The Savage World of Solomon Kane (Savage Worlds; S2P10400), by Pinnacle Entertainment
The Scaum Valley Gazetteer, by David Thomas, Jim Webster
The Scavenger Lands: The Compass Of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. 1, by Kraig Blackwelder, Genevieve Cogman, Daniel Dover, Michael Kessler
The Sea People (Dungeons & Dragons/Creature Crucible PC3), by Bambra, Jim
The Secret Fire Roleplaying Game, by George Strayton
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 5e RPG D&D, by Staff
The Servants, by Smith, Michael Marshall
The Seven Sisters (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms), by Greenwood, Ed
The Shade of the Sinking Plain (Loremaster/Shadow World), by
The Shady Dragon Inn (Dungeons & Dragons accessory AC1), by Smith, Carl
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