Black Sword: Pursuit of the White Wolf (Elric/ Stormbringer), by Ken Rolston
Dragon Lords of Melnibone: Adventuring in a Dark World of Law & Chaos (Dragon Lords of Melnibone (D20),2017,) (Worlds of the Eternal Champion), by Charlie Krank, et al
Michael Moorcock's Stormbringer: Fantasy Roleplaying in the World of Eric, by Michael Moorcock
Sailing on the Seas of Fate: Ships of the Young Kingdoms (Elric/Stormbringer), by Mark Morrison, et al
Sorcerers of Pan Tang (Stormbringer RPG), by Krank, Charlie, Gillan, Geoff, Hagger, Nick, Morrison, Mark, Watts, Richard
Stealer of Souls: A Quest For Vengeance in Ilmiora (Elric/Stormbringer), by Rolston, Ken
The Northern Continent: Atlas of the Young Kingdoms (Elric RPG) (v. 1), by Watts, Richard
White Wolf: Temples, Demons, & Ships of War (Elric/ Stormbringer), by Stewart Wieck
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